Manures > Manure And Mulch
$ 12.00 AUD
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Manure And Mulch


Manure Magic Manure & Mulch is a blend of recycled organics, straw and fine compost.

Produced under strict controlled conditions, Manure Magic Manure & Mulch will improve the condition and performance of the soil by increasing nutrient and water retention.

Manure Magic Manure & Mulch is ideal for the home gardener and is suitable for use on vegetables, flowers, shrubs, fruit trees, vines and most other home garden plants.


A cover Mulch is recommended to be applied at a depth of 50mm.

Soil incorporation: Apply 50mm layer then dig into the existing soil.

Additional Information


  1. This water conservation-mulch prevents the moisture in the top soil evaporating, keeps the soil moist for longer, which can reduce the watering by 60%.
  2. Prevents weeds and weed germination- the weeds compete for the plants moisture and nutrients. Mulches keep the soil temperature constant. Cool in summer and warm in winter.
  3. Using an organic mulch means that you add extra organic matter to the soil, this creates a good soil structure as it greatly increases the biological activity to the soil.
  4. Mulches protect the soil surface from the compacting effect of rain.

We offer free delivery to areas south of the river & north of Pinjarra - for orders of 10 bags or more.
Areas outside of the above will attract a delivery fee of $25 (for 10 bags or more)